He – It will be a boy!!!
She- No it should be a girl…
He- No I want someone to play football and cricket with me and play car racing games. Girls are no good in that…
She- No I want someone to dress up like a doll and purchase all cute little things for her.
He- Can you girls think beyond dressing up and make up. Its final it would be a boy…
She- And can you guys think beyond games and cricket…
He- Fine I agree we cant. Happy… It would be a boy!!!
She- No no..its our first kid and and it would be girl.
He- You don’t understand, If it’s a girl we have to be very protective towards her. Boys will be behind her. The world is no more a good place to live in you see !!! (tries all his efforts to convince her)
She- Yes and if it’s a boy he would be the one who would go behind all those girls…and I don’t want that..
He- Fine do you what you want..
She- A big smile. Thank you jaan. I love you for standing by me for everything.
He- hugs her. Any thing for you…
Next Day…Missionaries of Charities Orphanage.
He – She is so cute… just like you.
She- I am afraid to hold her. She is so small, so fragile. What if I hurt her.
He- Don’t worry I am there with you. Together we will take care of her and give her all the love she deserves.
Lets go home with our baby girl and give her a world full of love.
Encourage Adoption. Make Lives Beautiful...
10 months ago
hey lovely thought :)
you may like to edit
He- Fine do you what you want.."
i like this he,she :)
wonderful thought !! loved it a lot !! :)
ps: u can very well call me Prats .. thats what all call me :)
ur post reminded me of my He-She series ..
check here wen u free : http://creatingnewblog.blogspot.com/search/label/He%20and%20She
beautiful feelings expressed!
me too a big big supporter of this thought :)
infact each one at my home is!
tc god bless!
keep writing!!
its a gr8 emotional post(i donno y i smtimes behave like a girl while reading such things.....i m a big boy now afterall!!!)...
i want 2 girls n 1 boy....1 girl will b adopted.....
still its sm door ka darshan kinda thing...:)... but surely even from now i m excited about my childrn......
Ummm I guess they were fighting and just wanted to show that He is a bit irritated. Thanks for the feedback:-)
@Pretty me
Thanks Prats.glad that you liked it:-) Would definately read your He She. I need some inspiration to write good stuffs.Who else wud be better than you:-)
hehehe. its sweet that you think like this.Not many people around you have this. God bless you with all that you want.
"He- Fine do you what you want."
should be
"He- Fine!!! do what you want."
am i sounding too critical :( m sorry if i am
i liked it a lot yaar, and maybe other guys may like boy, but when i have a kid with ma wife i want it to be a girl
take care and keep writing........
@ ani: dude you are just fine, actually criticism is good becoz it helps you a lot, ok take care c ya
Hey no not at all. if everyone seems to say well I would never know where am I wrong. I m new to bloggin so definately would need your inputs.So please let them come in.
Thats sweet:-)keep smiling:-)
cherrs! for the good thought.
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